Sunday, May 1, 2011

Basil Fried Rice

Another thai inspiration. Thanks to the many2 basil leaves we still had in the fridge. We've been using them for our stirred fry ground beef & Achik's ayam richa-richa.

Basil leaves
Jalapeno/Serrano peppers (or cili padi)
Bawang putih
Sos tiram
Kicap manis
Telur 2 biji

1. Goreng telur ala scrambled eggs (add sikit garam) & asingkan
2. Tumis bawang putih + cili yg ditumbuk
3. Masukkan ayam + sos tiram + kicap dan goreng hingga masak
4. Masukkan nasi dan kacau
5. Lastly, masukkam telur goreng & daun basil