Sunday, July 24, 2011


Our very favorite race car turns 2 today!

Special carrot-walnut muffin cupcakes for our little man.
Happy birthday dearest Ammar Yusuf!

Recipe from Nigella Lawson's How to Be A Domestic Goddess.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nasi Tomato

Had a great Saturday evening with the Khans. Took the boys splashing around the pool followed by dinner - menu: Nasi Ayam! Then topped it off with game night & me winning at Settlers of Catan. Must've been beginner's luck! =)

1 whole chicken
1 kg white rice
Dried chillies
Onions, garlic, ginger
Bunga cengkih
Bunga lawang
Kayu manis
Tomato puree
Chilli sauce

How To:

1. Boil chicken with some ginger (2") until half cooked. Take the soup to cook the rice with.
2. Blend together 1 big onion, 2 ulas garlic, 1 tomato. Add in 1.5" cinnamon stick, 5 bunga cengkih, 5 bunga lawang. Add in the chicken soup and 1 cup tomato puree. Cook the rice with this mix and add aome salt once the water has boiled.
3. Fry the pre-boiled chicken till half cooked.
4. Blend 10 dried chillies, 2 tomatoes, 1 big onion, 2 ulas garlic & halia 0.5". Fry this mix until cooked. Then add the chicken. Add salt, sugar & water as needed.
5. For the cucumber salad, mix sliced 1/2 onion, 2 cucumbers, chilki sauce, sugar & salt.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Daging Bumbu Lapis

Daging dipotong nipis2 500g
Telur 1 biji
Planta/Butter 1 tbsp
Bawang putih 2 ulas
Halia & kunyit (1 & 1/2 pinky)
Lada putih
Kicap manis
Gula & garam

1. Tumbuk bawang putih, halia & kunyit sampai halus. Tambah lada putih.
2. Gaul bersama daging. Tambah telur, planta, kicap , gula & garam.
3. Tambah sedikit air & rebus sehingga daging empuk (tutup).

Friday, July 8, 2011

Bergedil Daging

Daging kisar 500g
Kentang 500g (1 biji besar)
Daun sup
Daun bawang
Bawang goreng
Telur 2 biji.
Bawang putih 2 ulas
Lada putih

1. Potong2 kentang & goreng.
2. Lenyek2 kentang - blend pun boleh!
3. Gaul bersama daging kisar. Tambah telur 2 biji, daun bawang, daun sup, bawang goreng, bawang putih (ditumbuk) & serbuk lada putih, dan garam secukup rasa.
4. Gaul sehingga rata, kepal2 jadik shape & size menurut selera. Goreng!